If you are going to use Size Genetics, this is my advice you to: measure your penis first and take pictures. Since penis extenders give gradual results, you may not realize that your penis is growing unless you document its initial size.
After using Size Genetics for 1 month, I didn’t really see any noticeable size difference. The only thing I did notice was that the slight curvature in my penis was almost completely gone. You can imagine my disappointment that I didn’t have a massively bigger penis, especially since I had been so diligent about using the Size Genetics device every day. Then, I got out my tape measure to be sure. I was really surprised to see that my penis was actually a little more than .5 inches longer (it grew by 9/16”)!
When your penis is growing so gradually over an extended period of time, you won’t be able to see any sort of difference. Since the increases happen on a daily basis, you probably wouldn’t ever be able to tell that your penis is bigger without measurements – unless you have an estranged girlfriend who suddenly shows up and goes, Wow!
The measurement system if really important to keep you motivated for penis enlargement. Once I saw that .5 inch of penis growth, I got even more excited about using Size Genetics and even increased the amount of time I wore the device every day so I could get more results faster.
Obviously, there are some limits to how big you can stretch your penis with an extension device. It is just like body building – even if you do lifts every single day, all day long, your biceps will never be larger than your torso. Your body self-regulates growth proportionally. According to all that I’ve read about Size Genetics and user results, you will need to keep on using the extension device for 6 months to get maximum results. After 6 months, you can keep on using the penis extender but you aren’t going to get results like during the first few months.
After 5 months of using Size Genetics penis extender, my penis grew a total of 2 3/16 inches and gained 1.5 inches in girth. That takes me up to almost 7 inches long and 5.5 inches around. I experienced the most growth during month 2 but that was also the month where I was most devoted to using Size Genetics. After month 2, I was so happy with the penis growth results that any more just seemed like an unnecessary bonus. During month 5, I only gained about ¼ inch in length. I’m still going to continue for one more month but I don’t feel like I have to anymore because I’m very happy with 7 inches.
My advice to anyone who wants to get a bigger penis is to be patient. You aren’t going to get results overnight but they do occur gradually. Just make a measurement chart and take some pictures. When you can see the results in numbers and image, then it is easy to stay motivated for the patience it takes to enlarge your penis.
There is so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? The answers can be found at MagnumRings.com